We have a beautiful vine next to our house, and the leaves have grown to just the right size to allow us to prepare tasty Dolmades. This delicacy from the Mediterranean is normally stuffed with rice and ground baby sheep. Well, we're not going to do that, now are we? #nonono #poorlamb So here we go for a VEGAN DOLMADES RECIPE! :-D

And this is what we need to prepare the dish:
30 big vine leaves
Olive oil
250 gr of rice (risotto or sushi)
500 ml hot broth
1 spring onion
1- 2 garlic cloves
Fresh herbs (we use: Dill, peppermint, vetches)
A handful of barberries (optional)
Pepper and salt
1 1/2 lemon
The onion and the garlic get chopped and braise in some olive oil. Wash the rice and add it into the pan. Stir it some at medium heat, then add the broth. Let it cook for 5-10 minutes.

Use that time to blanch the vine leaves. Dip them for a few seconds into salted boiling water and lay them on your working space paying attention to put them on their shiny side.
The filling is almost ready. Just add the lemon juice, the chopped herbs, the barberries and season with pepper. Check if it needs more salt - this depends on the broth you used. Put the lid on and leave it for 2-3 minutes.
Place a spoonful of rice on the the larger part of each leaf. Fold it up, then fold in the sides and roll them together. Pour some olive oil into your pan and place the rolled Dolmades with the open side down into it. This will keep them closed. Put each Dolma next to the other so they keep each other from moving.

When you're done rolling pour water over the Dolmades so they are thinly covered. Add the juice of half a lemon. Weigh down on the Dolmades with a platter or a lid that is smaller than the pan. This way they cannot start lifting themselves out of the water. Let this cook on medium heat for another 30 minutes. The water should have evaporated by then.
Yummy! Fantastic! Have fun trying out our recipe and "καλή όρεξη!"! ;-)